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Membership Application

First Name*
Last Name*
Date of Birth*
Do you have a legal spouse? *
Children under 18?
Spouse or Legal Partner First Name
Spouse or Legal Partner Last Name
Spouse or Legal Partner Cell
Anniversary Date
Nominee Address Panel
Click to add information
Nominee Employment Panel
Click to add information
Business Phone
What type of Membership are you interested in?*
If you selected Smokey, choose one add-on
If you selected Smokey, you can buy one more add-on (+$50/month)
How did you hear about us?*
Which member were you referred by?
Are you a member of Longhorn Foundation?
Are you a former member of The UT Club?*
If yes, click +Choose to add copy of last statement. Then click Upload:
How do you intend to use the UT Club Membership?
Tell us about your hobbies:
Additional Notes